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Real Talk with OSYL: Rona Series Episode 24

Welcome to a new episode of Real Talk from OSYL. In this episode, we do a fire round to discuss 1 question around the philosophy of sacrifice and how it can impact the greater good.

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Does every choice we make somehow impact the greater good? How do we even define who is part of the greater good, and why are these sacrifices for them come down to who is more powerful? We debate if we believe in the philosophy of sacrificing for the greater good. There are many levels to it, and it seems that no matter how we decide, it comes down to either our animalistic urge to survive and protect, our selflessness to allow others we love to live on, or just what we believe is the moral thing to do. No matter the choice, it is a choice that impacts all, and all either positively or negatively depending on which side of the coin you are on.

This episode features the usuals: Steven, Tyler, Zvon, and Andrew. All provide deep insight into the question: Do you believe in the philosophy of sacrificing for the greater good?

When it comes to deciding how we make our choices, some thoughts are about how we must do so to survive as a society. But at what expense? In a military mindset, some may argue going to war is what can allow peace. But there is no right or wrong answer, because all who is involved can either benefit or lose. Though this is a difficult topic to answer, discussing it was fun because we try to feel all sides of the ball and argue for and against this philosophy. We seem to all agree that the selfless type of sacrifice for the greater good is best--though, easier said than done, we would have less of an issue sacrificing ourselves for the greater good of our loved ones.

Choices can be about the NON-sacrifices, too. For instance, the choice NOT to sacrifice your values and your convictions may impact the greater good by inspiring others to to think positively about their own self-image. For choices can be negative, it is best to make a choice for yourself. Though we can discuss the extremes of how our choices can impact on the macro-scale, on a micro-scale and at an individual level, we can make the small choices to benefit ourselves in our day to day life.

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